Tuesday, October 20, 2009

38.5 Weeks

Hello everyone! So things are finally progressing from waiting to pop to actually getting close to popping...sort of... Had a lot of trouble getting to sleep last night, heartburn galore. Ended up sleeping in the lazy-boy so I could be propped up to keep from getting heartburn, but that put more pressure on baby, so started getting minor contractions. Managed to doze off for 1/2 hour to an hour from 12:30-1:30 ish and then dozed off and on again until about 4:30 or so...got too uncomfortable so moved back to bed and didn't get any sleep after that, was having very regular contractions that wouldn't let me sleep. Adam fortunately was able to sleep eventhough I was not, so hopefully he can be strength for me!

I spent most of the day having contractions every half hour or so, depending on if I was trying to do anything or just relaxing. Some times the contractions were 5 minutes apart, some times 1 hour...but regular throughout the day. But thanks to Oma/my mom being around I was able to relax, fold laundry, and not have to have contractions while chasing around a 1 year old. :) Thanks!

Anyhow, just watching the biggest loser then heading off to bed with hopes of at least getting some sleep - we'll see what happens! But need to get some in so I have more that 3 hours sleep in 48...I know last time my lack of sleep was a huge problem, so hopefully we can change that this time! Anyhow here's hoping for a good night...

Anna signing off with hopes of lots of time to dream, Naomi hopefully dreaming away, Adam unpacking last minute baby purchases from Wal Mart and Nanook on hyper-protective alert status nearby...


Jeannette said...

awe, it's almost here!! Praying your all of you guys out there! I'll be there soon, not soon enough though it seems :(

Deedee said...

Thinking of you guys. Praying for a safe delivery. All the best to you three (four)!