Sunday, June 28, 2009

11 months in 5 days and 22 weeks

Hello again! Well, we may have had a ton of fun taking pictures of Naomi's first time on was so cute and so hilarious! I will probably have to post one of her videos of being on the grass as it was so priceless. She was very unsure of the feel of the grass, initially any time her hand or foot touched she'd whimper/cry. We have one video where she was sitting on her aunty Martha's lap and Martha was gently touching her feet to the grass and she'd whimper as soon as she touched, once she pulled her back off, she was happy. Back and forth a few times with the same result. We ended up sitting her on it and she figured it out eventually and started crawling around. But a very entertaining experience, and MANY cute photos!

Naomi's been having fun eating new foods as well. She's having more "grown-up" food lately. She had pancakes the other day, some corn chip pieces, and every now and then samples a treat from mommy and daddy of a cookie or cake they might be eating. She's tried and liked banana bread a few times. So it's been fun watching her try new things.

Pumpkin, her sibling on the way, has been changing too. Mommy is starting to get very large and thus very uncomfortable. I never thought I'd say it but I think I actually miss the belt that I had to wear last time because of the pelvic problems, the extra support was very nice! But oh well, I'll take the extra weight in exchange for the lack of problems with the pelvis, thanks!

Daddy got to feel pumpkin moving around the other day too, that was very nice. Pumpkin's been doing lots of moving the last couple of weeks, it's been nice to feel. Although, right at this moment I must be getting too tired, some sounds and smells are just making me feel aweful at the moment...

But that's all for now, I will sign off to get ready for bed in hopes of feeling better...

Anna signing off as Nanook falls asleep on the bed, Naomi sleeps away, Dad enjoys his parents hot tub and Pumpkin tries to get comfy...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

10 months and 2 weeks

So daycare has finally become a fun place to go! We were nervous there for a couple of weeks, her first few days were very "fussy". At home she happily plays on the floor, entertaining herself with her toys and chasing Nanook or picking Nanook fluff off the floor...but at daycare she seemed to not like being "alone" at all. Not that one can be alone when there are 7 other babies walking around you all day, but whenever one of the daycare workers walked away she would cry like she was in pain. No tears, just complaining about being alone. But Friday, Wednesday and today she was great. Socializing with the other babies, smiling at anyone that came in the room, crawling all over the room instead of sitting in one place and was apparently trying to share her food today.

At home she's been great too. Happily downs her dinner at night then goes to bed without much fuss and sleeps until we wake her up in the morning, unless it's a day when she doesn't go to daycare then we let her sleep in a bit.

It was funny getting her to bed tonight though, I went downstairs and did a couple things then sat on the couch watching tv/listening to the monitor and it sounded like she'd gotten something hard and was running it along the bars of her crib. I gave it a couple minutes, partially thinking of what the heck should could reach from her crib, and after it not stopping I went upstairs. Sure enough, there's the monitor receiver hanging from it's cord down between her dresser and her crib. She had grabbed it by reaching over her bumper pads, through the crib bars and up on the dresser. Fortunately we had made it so the cord was nice and short, it would only move a few inches so she couldn't do much with it. Anyhow, it's safely tucked out of sight on the dresser now, hopefully "out of sight, out of mind"...I guess we'll see tomorrow!

Baby number 2 is getting more active all the time. Much time has been spent kicking/punching mommy's tummy lately; I've really been feeling it the last few days. I'll move around and do a few things at work, then when I sit down at my desk baby starts moving all over the place. It's generally really neat to feel, but every now and then it can make me feel quite nauseous...but more fun that bad.

Anyhow, it's getting late for someone that has to get up at 5am for work, so I should sign off for now....

Anna signing off while Naomi catches some z's, Nanook lounges on the patio and pumpkin is rolling around trying to get comfy...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Baby Kouwenberg #2

Hello everyone and say hello to baby kouwenberg #2! This little one will be joining it's sibling in the real world in about 21 weeks - right around hallowween and thus has been dubbed "pumpkin".

This pregnancy has been NIGHT AND DAY different from Naomi. Last time mommy felt sick for about 9 months, this time it seems to have kept itself to the first trimester other than heartburn. Heartburn had essentially stopped, but the last few days it has come back with a vengance. Pretty much since the end of last month baby started moving around enough that mommy can feel it and that's when the heartburn kicked back in again.

Sleep has not been a problem yet which has been nice. The pelvic problem has not presented itself again too much this go around which was the biggest problem last time for sleep. I get the occasional "crack" (like when you crack your knuckles or when you crouch down and your knees crack" when rolling over or before getting out of bed, but that's pretty much it - I'm loving that! I definitely do NOT miss doing excercises every night before bed!

Can't say much else right now really, also probably shouldn't, with being back at work so I can be back off on mat leave in a few months I've been waking up VERY early! 5am seems really early to me...but with that I only have to do 4 days a week instead of 5, so that works out nicely for cheaper daycare!

So yes, signing off for now, enjoy the pictures and write again soon - hopefully with belly shots!

Anna signing off while Naomi rolls over in her sleep and Nanook waits out on the porch for daddy to get home from work

Monday, June 1, 2009

10 Months in 2 days

Hello everyone! Wow, we've been so busy! Mom's getting ready to go back to work tomorrow, and we're getting ready for Naomi to start daycare on Wednesday. So far the introduction to daycare is going great, mom left her there for an hour after spending some time with her and apparently she was an angel. So that's great.

At daycare she should be able to keep up with the other kids a bit, she doesn't walk like all of them do yet, but she can finally crawl! I would probably say that her first official day of crawling was the 14th of May. It's still mostly an army crawl/slither but every now and then her knees really get in on the action. But the big goal, moving forward towards an object has been met. No more going backwards and getting frustrated! Now she's starting to pick up speed to, so that's great...well great that she's mobile, but now we've really got to watch her!

She's finally really figured out finger food. For a while she could only do it if she was holding something long like a cut pepper or, for special treats only, a french fry. But once she got to her hand she couldn't figure out what to do with it. But the other day she had cheerios and ate a whole bunch of them all by herself, she thought it was great. Dad had to show her how to do it, but one demonstration and she had it.

Anyhow, that's all for now. Oh, and we've started another photo album on facebook, so if you want to see pictures check it out, if you're not on facebook try this link:

Anna signing off for now while Naomi squeals with delight in her jumperoo and Nanook suns herself on the patio...

Aunty Liz and Naomi chilling in a hammock