Monday, October 26, 2009

5 days old and 1 week from 15 Months old

Hello again everyone, and Miriam says hello too! She's been exploring the big wide world the last few days. She's been from the hospital, to mom's office, off to church and bible study and of course spending lots of time at home. Most of her time is spent sleeping, otherwise she's likely eating, filling her tiny diapers or having another bout of the hiccups.

Her sleeping has been pretty good so far. She does spend most of the time sleeping as mentioned, but of course as soon as mom decides it's bed-time feeding goes into hyper-drive. So between about 9 and midnight she'll feed about 3 times before she finally will let us put her down in the play-pen to sleep. Once she gets really good at sleeping she can use her crib in her soon to be shared room with her sister, but for now she has a temporary spot in mommy & daddy's room. So once she's down she's been doing some pretty decent stretches of sleep, letting mom recover nicely.

One other thing that we've noticed is how much smaller she is right now than Naomi ever was. We had to invest in some smaller sleepers and onesies so she wasn't swimming in everything we put on her. But it's quite the adjustment now to go from nursing the little tiny baby to playing with Naomi as she climbs the stairs - she's made her big sister look so much bigger!!

Naomi has been being a great big sister. She has not appeared to be too jealous yet, not sure about sharing her receiving blankets though. She's been very curious about the new little addition that spends a lot of time on mommy's lap, only smacked her a couple times but not trying to hurt her, more exploring the new "toy". She has also definitely enjoyed having all the visitors around to play with her, she grabs their attention when they're not oogling over her new little sister.
Naomi has been learning lots of new things as well. From new words and expressions to exploring new things. She's learned more about "hello's", or cell phones as we call them, having fun with a couple fake/old ones of mommy & daddy's. Nanook and her have also become better friends, until she grabs her tail or foot. But enjoying chasing each other around.
Anyhow, that's all for now. Should probably go help deal with the two little ones instead of writing about them!
So Anna signing off to feed the littlest one while Grandpa gets ready to feed the older one and Gradma, Aunty Martha and daddy get some things done around the house.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Welcome Miriam Gloria Violet

Wow, what an incredible day! First off I want to apologize both for the delay in getting this up, and for any bad grammatical mistakes! It has been a long 24 hours! As was mentioned in the previous post we looked like all was good to go, so we packed up, loaded up, and then sat around waiting! Anna was most frustrated at getting all excited, and then for everything to grind to a screeching halt! After a shopping trip, dinner and playing bathing Naomi still nothing was happening.

Off to bed we all went around 10:30 - 11:00. At around 11:30 Anna started to have contractions. Both Grandma and Daddy were passed out quite soundly. Around 12:45 Mommy got up to have a shower to see what it would to to the contractions which were coming strong and solid about 10 minutes apart. In the 12 minute shower she had 3 contractions! Apparently she explained what was going on prior to the shower, and I (Adam) was suppose to get up and talk to Grandma about the happenings. I have no recollection of that conversation! Imagine my surprise while I had been off in dreamland only to be woken by a screaming pregnant lady saying we need to go. NOW!

After a number of phone calls around (thanks to all those who answered the phone at 1am!) we very quickly made our way to the car, and then to the hospital. I will not mention how long it took here on the web as it may incriminate me! We arrived at the hospital a little before 2 am. It was funny, upon our arrival the fantastic labour and delivery staff did not seem to think things were that serious. After a closer exam they discovered that Mom was at about 5cm dilated. They started to take it a lot more seriously! Within an hour Mom progressed to 8cm! The doctor was called and made it just in time to start pushing!

Anna did a phenomenal job! After a few good pushes we were greeted by a absolutely beautiful baby girl. What a change from Naomi's birth! From the time we arrived at the hospital to the birth it was 2 hours, not 20! Miriam Gloria Violet Kouwenberg entered into this world at 3:50am. She was very kind to her mother, no stitches were required! Miriam tipped the scales at 7lbs even. Because the delivery was all natural with only some nitrous oxide to cut the pain (or make mom fly high as a kite) Miriam was incredibly awake and alert. She took to nursing like she had been doing it for years! What a relief!

By the time she was 6 hours old she had spent more than a third of her life eating! We hope this trend continues for a long time! Through out the rest of the day she was wonderful, sleeping great, eating great, and she even got to have her first bath!

It is now about the same time that we went to bed yesterday. Here is hoping that tonight will be less adventurous that the last!

A very proud and tired Mommy and Daddy going to try and get some rest in the hospital, a exhausted big sister and Grandma sleeping back home, and a beautiful baby girl sleeping like a log, saying a very good night to all!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Waiting to go to the hospital

So the thumb twiddling begins! Managed to get some decent sleep last night despite the odd contraction, slept from about 11pm until 5am and then rested between contractions that were about 10 minutes apart, but quite painful. Made arrangements for the day and plans to head to the hospital, got the car packed up and had a light breakfast then contractions stalled again. So now we're waiting for them to pick back up and we'll head in. At least it looks like we won't have to worry about morning rush hour traffic!

Anna signing off in hopes of a contraction soon, while Grandma makes some coffee, and dad plays with Naomi and Nanook

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

38.5 Weeks

Hello everyone! So things are finally progressing from waiting to pop to actually getting close to popping...sort of... Had a lot of trouble getting to sleep last night, heartburn galore. Ended up sleeping in the lazy-boy so I could be propped up to keep from getting heartburn, but that put more pressure on baby, so started getting minor contractions. Managed to doze off for 1/2 hour to an hour from 12:30-1:30 ish and then dozed off and on again until about 4:30 or too uncomfortable so moved back to bed and didn't get any sleep after that, was having very regular contractions that wouldn't let me sleep. Adam fortunately was able to sleep eventhough I was not, so hopefully he can be strength for me!

I spent most of the day having contractions every half hour or so, depending on if I was trying to do anything or just relaxing. Some times the contractions were 5 minutes apart, some times 1 hour...but regular throughout the day. But thanks to Oma/my mom being around I was able to relax, fold laundry, and not have to have contractions while chasing around a 1 year old. :) Thanks!

Anyhow, just watching the biggest loser then heading off to bed with hopes of at least getting some sleep - we'll see what happens! But need to get some in so I have more that 3 hours sleep in 48...I know last time my lack of sleep was a huge problem, so hopefully we can change that this time! Anyhow here's hoping for a good night...

Anna signing off with hopes of lots of time to dream, Naomi hopefully dreaming away, Adam unpacking last minute baby purchases from Wal Mart and Nanook on hyper-protective alert status nearby...