Sunday, June 28, 2009

11 months in 5 days and 22 weeks

Hello again! Well, we may have had a ton of fun taking pictures of Naomi's first time on was so cute and so hilarious! I will probably have to post one of her videos of being on the grass as it was so priceless. She was very unsure of the feel of the grass, initially any time her hand or foot touched she'd whimper/cry. We have one video where she was sitting on her aunty Martha's lap and Martha was gently touching her feet to the grass and she'd whimper as soon as she touched, once she pulled her back off, she was happy. Back and forth a few times with the same result. We ended up sitting her on it and she figured it out eventually and started crawling around. But a very entertaining experience, and MANY cute photos!

Naomi's been having fun eating new foods as well. She's having more "grown-up" food lately. She had pancakes the other day, some corn chip pieces, and every now and then samples a treat from mommy and daddy of a cookie or cake they might be eating. She's tried and liked banana bread a few times. So it's been fun watching her try new things.

Pumpkin, her sibling on the way, has been changing too. Mommy is starting to get very large and thus very uncomfortable. I never thought I'd say it but I think I actually miss the belt that I had to wear last time because of the pelvic problems, the extra support was very nice! But oh well, I'll take the extra weight in exchange for the lack of problems with the pelvis, thanks!

Daddy got to feel pumpkin moving around the other day too, that was very nice. Pumpkin's been doing lots of moving the last couple of weeks, it's been nice to feel. Although, right at this moment I must be getting too tired, some sounds and smells are just making me feel aweful at the moment...

But that's all for now, I will sign off to get ready for bed in hopes of feeling better...

Anna signing off as Nanook falls asleep on the bed, Naomi sleeps away, Dad enjoys his parents hot tub and Pumpkin tries to get comfy...

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