Friday, February 13, 2009

6 Months and 10 days

So Naomi has now had her first swim lesson! On Wednesday Adam and I went to the mall to run a couple errands and when we were there we bought her the cutest little bathing suit and put her in it later in the day for a cute, but fussy, swim lesson. She had unfortunately been having a bit of a grumpy day so was not quite in the best mood for it, but Mom and Dad had a blast! Dad was in the water with the little one and mom happily sat in the viewing area with the camera. We're doing our best to get her into a better mood for her second lesson today, we'll see how that goes!

Naomi has been quite the trooper on the solid food front. So far anything we put in her mouth she will swallow with little complaint. The worst we've gotten so far is some absolutely hilarous faces something to the effect of "yuck! Mom, that's NOT my yummy cereal!" and one or twice it's taken almost an hour to feed her two ounces of food. We're getting smarter about it though and today lunch took about 5 minutes, so much better! We'll probably have to up the quantity if she keeps that up! Hopefully she will, a few weeks ago she had a huge weight gain, but last week was only a couple of ounces, so eat baby eat!

She's also finally rolled over her right arm! It started out that she would only roll over her left arm, which was fine with Mom and Dad, can't really get too far if you roll there and back, there and back...but the other day she finally did it. She was very frustrated trying to roll back over the arm, probably didn't have it in a great spot and kind of hurt a little bit, so mom helped her get back but oh well, progress is progress!

Well that's all for now, enjoy the swim video!

Anna signing off to get some work done while Naomi and Nanook nap after a nice walk.

1 comment:

Jeannette said...

Cute video, thankyou for sharing this! Makes me smile!! Love you guys!