Thursday, November 13, 2008

3 Months, 10 days old

More noises have been learned now - she's learned how to "raspberry" with her lips and also will make the noise while sticking her tongue out, very cute. This comes with much bubbles and drool, but cute none the less! She seems to blow lots of bubbles instead of just your standard drool which is nice, cuter I think then a waterfall off her chin... :) She is starting to wear bibs more often though now because of all of that. Easier to change a bib every now and then then having to get a whole new outfit because the part she pulls up to her mouth gets soggy. So she just plays with the bib instead, the bib probably spends more time in her mouth than hanging down on her chest...I believe her thought is something like "gee, thanks for putting a toy so handy for me mom, it's always there for me to stuff in my mouth!"

She is slowly starting to giggle as well. We get about one or two laughs a day so far, and when they come is pretty unpredictable. But it is very satisfying when you play with her and you get a giggle in response. Can't wait until that is a regular occurance!

Growing has slowed down a bit now too. Instead of gaining about 1/2 a pound a week we've slowed down to about 1/4 of a pound instead. I was a bit worried about that initially but from speaking to the nurses at the mom and tot group I go to weekly a slow down around 3 months is normal. Perhaps that will mean the sleepers that are starting to get tight will still fit for a while? We'll have to see. But by mid next week she'll probably break 14 pounds!

Anyhow, Anna signing off for now as Naomi wakes up from her nap in her swing, Nanook continues her nap on the floor and Adam plays on his computer...

1 comment:

Deedee said...

Gosh! She's getting so big! I can see so much of the two of you in her. So adorable. I love reading your posts. Thanks so much for writing them!
-Danielle (Fidge)