The mom and tot class has been nice. There's a group at a local community centre that meets every Wednesday afternoon. Moms with babies under 8 months of age get together and share resources, experiences, tips, and other useful information. And there's public health nurses there to answer questions too. It's been really helpful already. For Naomi we got to have questions about her Vitamin D that she has to take, we think it may be giving her gas which makes her quite cranky for a little while after taking it. So we'll see if that stays true, and if so we may have to switch types...
Sleeping at night has been a bit more of an effort for mom and dad. It's not uncommon for her to decide to be awake after one feeding at night and keep either mom or dad up with her until the next feeding when she falls asleep. Unfortunately that seems to happen more nights than not the last few days. At least her first good sleep at night seems to be nice and long, she'll go 5 hours, a couple times even 6, from the start of the feeding to when she needs to eat again - so mom usually gets a good 4 hours of sleep.
Anyhow, that's all for now. So growing rapidly and awake lots...
Anna signing off, with Naomi cuddling (and starting to get fussy...) with Aunty Suzy and Adam and Nanook relaxing on the couch.
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