Saturday, August 2, 2008

and we wait.... more

wow! what an afternoon, when I last wrote everything was going beautifully, then shortly after that progrees just stalled out, infact if anything we went backwards a bit! Anna hit rock bottom for her energy and pain threshold. but she is my hero, and pulled through it like a trooper. the anistethiologist (sp?) took probably an hour and a half to come once Anna got drained, and the two of us fought through some pretty tough contractions together. she now has an epideral in, and for the first time in more than 40 hours is she able to sleep without pain. the OB is going to do another check at around 8 to make a decission where we go from there.

we appreciate all the thoughts and prayers that you all have.

hope to write again soon.


1 comment:

Jeannette said...


I can't believe you guys had time to post all these entries?!

oh, CONGRATS again!!!

can't wait to meet the little one!!!