Anyhow, Naomi still has not figured out how to crawl, she can push herself backwards with her hands very well, but now crawling. Yesterday at mom and tot group she even raced another 8.5 month old backwards - both getting equally frustrated that they kept sliding backwards and not going forward. A truly hilarous sight though, I must say. I think it will probably be sooner than later that she figures out that she needs to push with her knees and just move her hands forward...but we'll see!
Food is going great too. Solids are getting less pureed and more mashed - progress to "normal" food! She even had a rasin this morning when dad was adding rasins to his oatmeal. Granted it took her a few minutes to notice it was on her tray, never figured out herself that it was food, dad put it in her mouth, and then it took her about, oh, 10 minutes or so to eat it. The most solid thing she's ever eaten though, and we're pretty sure she ate it, either that or Nanook now knows what rasins taste like... We'll probably start meat again too, things seem to be working out better on the other end now. So she'll probably be happy with that, she liked the meat before. Oh, and she's had a baby biscuit too, had a bit of one the other day (as above), it was hilarious!
Anyhow that's all for now, waiting for her to crawl...we'll see how that goes!
Anna signing off with Nanook taking an inventory of her toys making sure Naomi hasn't hidden any, and Naomi and dad having a quick cuddle before her dinner...