Hello again everyone! So it's been a busy couple of weeks. Anna had her last day of work on Friday the 18th and has been enjoying time to relax and rejuvenate before the baby comes. Most days have been spent relaxing with a good book or getting a couple things done/ready around the house but there's been a couple days that have just been "off" days and quite tiring - times when Anna is glad that work is done for now as she does not have the energy for it anymore!
We were able to do our crazy Creation Fest run...we drove down on Thursday this week to the Gorge Ampitheatre, in the town called George, smack dab in the middle of Washington State. We stayed there for just over 24 hours then came back late last night. Most people we told up here that we were going to drive 6 hours into the states without medical coverage to cover the cost of having a baby in the states thought we were nuts - but most of the regulars down at Creation Fest seemed to think we weren't dedicated enough. :) Comments like "what, you're just getting here now?" or, "you're leaving already? You just got here!" and Anna was delighted with being told how fabulous she looks for being due in now just a week.
Other than that, we've finished off our pre-natal classes now. We both know much more what to expect for the baby both coming into the world and that whole process, as well as a few things we'll need to do and what to expect once the baby is here with us. Anna's now not so freaked out about the actual birth (still somewhat, but what first-time mother isn't?) and we're hoping to have a natural, medication free (or mostly) birth. Hopefully it will be relatively smooth and normal without complications - Anna's had enough craziness!
We're also looking forward to visiting with a couple out of town guests that will be coming up around the time baby is expected as well. Grandma-to-be, Adam's mom, is coming over from the island while grandpa-to-be is on the bike for bibles trek, and Anna's sister Jeni is coming up for a couple of weeks from California to see what being an auntie is like and I'm sure to cool off from the California heat.
Anyhow, all for now. We're hoping to do more regular posts in the next couple/few weeks - while we're waiting for baby to come and then again once baby comes to show how progress goes. I'm sure there will be a few times where we're up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep or something where we can write. :)
Anna signing off with Peanut continuing to roll around, and Adam and Nanook relaxing in front of the TV.