As you can see Peanut continues to be quite the space hog, taking up more and more room in mommy! I vary between feeling as though my stomach is a reverse punching bag (being punched from the inside out) and that driving me nuts to thinking it's really neat and cute...but lately more feeling the punching bag! Especially after having trouble trying to sleep last night.
The pelvic mis-alignment seems to have somewhat sorted itself out, for the most part it's just uncomfortable in the mornings, but other than that pretty good. Although Adam accused me of "waddling" the other day when we were shopping - that was very encouraging! :) Oh well.
Weight has still not been an issue, which has been a nice treat! At my last check-up I had gained only about 1/4 of a pound from 2 weeks before bringing my total to 17 pounds gained, can't believe it! Still am so suprised that I haven't been totally huge like I expected. But enjoying that I can indulge in special treats that usually make me gain weight is nice, will probably be going out for ice-cream with a good friend this evening for dessert!
Anyhow, that's all for now, hopefully post again sooner than last (as I always say I know...). Here's some pictures from my baby shower my sister threw for me on June 13th, enjoy!
Anna...with Adam hopefully on his way home from work and Nanook still enjoying being outside on the porch. :)